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Private health service

There are many elective investigations, that are not included in annual OBGYN check up due to common national health insurance. These examinations can extend the spectrum of most cancer screening programms. You can decide on your own, if and which of the elective diagnostic investigations you want to have. These additional medical examinations will not be covered by insurance so you will have to pay for these additional investigations yourself. You will get a bill according to the fee tax for medical doctors (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte).

Each woman needs a different personal security level. The elective investigations can help you to reach more reassurance and discharge.

Here you can find all elective medical examination, which you can have in our clinic:

Pelvic ultrasound scan

An annual OBGYN check up is an examination for a woman older than 20 years old, which consists of palpation of the uterus and ovaries and a collection of PAP smears. From the 30th year on you will get palpation of the breast and from the 50th year on screening for intestine cancer. There is no pelvic ultrasound scan included. With the help of a pelvic scan we can clearly see your uterus and ovaries and we can diagnose uterusmyoma, ovarian cysts and even early uterus or ovarian cancer.

Monitoring of ovulation

An ovulation monitoring is a pelvic scan to recognize the time of ovulation. The examination is designed for a woman, who wants to be pregnant but mostly has irregular menstruation.

Ultrasound scan of breast

An ultrasound scan of the breast is an effective screening method for women with a high density of breast tissue, of women before menopause, women with breast implants and for a woman who declines the mammography screening. The breast scan doesn‘t need to be paid for except in the case of breast cancer being found.

Thin Prep-Test

This is a special method of taking a smear sample from the cervix, which is more accurate than a common PAP smear.


Humane Papillom Virus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease. It’s well known, that a HPV Infection can cause cervix cancer. If you decide to have a HPV test in addition to a common PAP smear and the result is negative, you will be reassured that you are not in the high risk group for cervix cancer.


Woman older than 25 have to pay for a test on their own. Chlamydia tests use a sample of body fluid or urine to see whether chlamydia bacteria (Chlamydia trachomatis) is present and is causing an infection. Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection. The test is recommended for all the women, who have multiple sex partners. Early Chlamydia infection does not show any symptoms or cause any pain. Chlamydia infection that is untreated often leads to damage of the fallopian tubes and to infertility.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

HIV, syphilis or gonorrhea tests are free of charge only during the pregnancy or if you have a signs of one those diseases. If you want to have a check up and you are healthy, you are required to pay for an examination.

Check up of hormone- and vitamin levels in the blood

It is recommended that you have any abnormal symptoms but have not been diagnosed with a disease such as tiredness, loss of hair.

If you are over 40 years old und you still want to be pregnant you can also raise your ovarian reserves by using Anti-Müller-Hormone (AMH).

Insertion of the Intrauterine Device (IUD)

A highly effective contraceptive device. There are two kinds of IUD: made of copper coil or hormon IUD, which releases continously a small amount of hormon.

Further Control – Ultrasound scans of IUD

To ensure that the intrauterine device is in right place. The first controll schould be made approximately 6 weeks after an insertion, the further examination and scans should be made every 6-12 months.